What Industry experts speak about the Future of Shipping and Maritime Services

The Maritime industry is changing rapidly. With urbanization and technological innovations bearing roots deep in every sector of the society, the quality and quantity of shipping goods globally have highly improvised. In fact, experts believe that the industry is at a pivotal stage, a dawn of new age in the maritime shipping and logistics industry is upon us. Read on to know some significant insights from industry experts.
Digitalization is the future – It’s no secret now that the industry is pacing towards digitalization. With many of the shipping companies already embracing digitalization, the future is all digital. Adapting digitalization is going to set shipping companies for bigger commercial gain, ease of operations and faster turn around times. It’s about time the traditional ways of shipping evolve into a more efficient way of today. Nigerian Maritime Safety Officer Iorliam Simon Tersoo who is renowned for winning Future Maritime Leaders essay competition seconds that the maritime industry is heading towards a digital future and those who embrace the technology are up for bigger benefits.
The potential of 5G: Yes, you heard it right! The 5G technology is going to be an integral part of the maritime industry. With powerful technologies like 5G, the future of shipping and logistics looks bright! The powers of 5G can greatly help with real-time vessel monitoring and releasing drones for tracking the maritime vessel traffic and on-going operations for security purposes will be possible. The board chairman and project administrator of the world’s first maritime 5G communication project, Kun Yang says, “Maritime 5G will play an important role for the remote control of autonomous ships in the future”
Environmental Safety: With growing shipping operations across the globe, the environment takes a toll. Even though maritime shipping causes comparatively the least pollution, the frequency and amount of shipping that happens raise environmental concern. Since January 1, 2020, all countries under the International Maritime Organization (IMO) are to follow the new global fuel sulfur cap. IMO plans to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions by 50% by 2050.
The maritime industry has always been the backbone of the economy and it’s climbing new heights. This industry is sailing through brave new waters of technology and digitalization, which will be leading us to even bigger commercial gains and ease of operations. Now that you have a gist of how the future looks like for the maritime industry, you can take the right decisions.